With the ever increasing demands being made on the countries electrical mains distribution systems, due to the increasing use of electrical equipment used to keep our industries running, it is paramount that there is careful and specific design calculations taken into account when designing a new electrical installation; or even madding an addition to an existing electrical installation.
The mains electrical distribution system feeding any electrical installation must be considered as the heart of the electrical installation.
Professional expertise is required to calculate the size of electrical supply that is required, what type of protective devise is needed for each circuit and how these circuits are to be distributed efficiently and safely.
When a new electrical installation or alteration to an existing installation is carried out it is of paramount importance to take into account all aspects of the electrical installation & design. If the mains distribution is not designed or maintained correctly, there is a danger that mains power supplies could overload and become a fire risk or the individual protective devices may not protect the outgoing circuits adequately or correctly.
With this in mind we have invested in electrical installation design software to ensure electrical distribution systems comply with current regulations and where possible carry a certain level of future proofing.